What are the United Airlines CEO’s Email Address And Other Contract Details?

For public convenience and transparency, the email address of the CEO of United Airlines is available. If you have any complaints or feedback about the company’s service, you can keep your opinion in front of the CEO.

The CEO has two email addresses that are publicly available

You can reach out to him by contacting him through any of these.  If you are lucky enough, you may also get a response.

Who Is The CEO Of United Airlines?

Mr. John Scott Kirby is the present CEO of United Airlines. He joined the airline in 2016 and was the company’s president from 2016-2020. Then, he became the CEO of the company in May 2020.

How Can I Contact The United Airlines CEO?

If you want to contact Scott Kirby, you can do it by visiting his office address. The address of the office headquarters is:

233 S. Wacker Drive, Chicago IL 60606, USA

However, if it’s impossible for you, you can contact him through his email address, office phone number, or any social media account.

Is There A United Airlines CEO Email ID Publicly Available?

Yes. The email address of the CEO of United Airlines is publicly available. You can mail your complaints or feedback through the emails mentioned earlier.

Is There A United Airlines CEO Phone Number Publicly Available?

His phone number isn’t publicly available. After conducting research, we found his phone number, which is:

(847) 700-4000

If you find this contact unreachable, you need to dial the mainline of the company’s headquarters. The United Airlines headquarters mainline is:

(312) 997-8000

United Airlines CEO Postal Address

Company’s CEO, Mr. Scott Kirby, lived in San Diego, California, United States. He is currently living in:

77 W. Wacker Drive Chicago IL 60601 United States

United Airlines CEO Social Media Accounts

The CEO doesn’t have any other public social media account except LinkedIn.

How Do I Contact United Airlines Corporate?

There are multiple ways through which you can contact the United Airlines corporation.  Those are:

  • Contact them through their official Website, which is:


  • They have an official Facebook account, which is:

Facebook of united airlines CEO

  • You can also find their official Twitter account, which is:
  • If you want to get any help from customer care, it’s better to proceed with filling out this form:


  • You can also contact their customer service email address:


  • There is no specific phone number available for customer care service. But for any questions, you can call this toll-free at


  • For baggage claim and lost and found, you need to contact:

Central Baggage Service – HDQLZ

P.O. Box 66140

Chicago, IL 60666-0140

Telephone: (800) 221-6903


But sometimes, your problem might be complex, or you might not get the expected response from those customer service options. In this case, you may need to contact the company directly. So, if you can’t solve your issue through any of these above ways, you can contact executives:

1. Jamey Vincent:

Senior Manager, Customer Care


Email address: Jamey.Vincent@united.com

2. Bryan Stoller

Vice President, Customer Care

Email address: b.stoller@united.com

However, before contacting the company directly, we suggest you ensure you are valid enough.

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